
Friday, June 14, 2013

How To Deal: Mind Clutter

Via Laura on Pinterest
As I was mulling this post over in my head, the term mind clutter popped up. Say what now? I, like so many others (especially women, am I right?), often find my mind so bogged down with doubts, worries, checklists, etc. that it's nearly impossible for me to live and enjoy the moment I'm in. It's just cluttered all up in there. Recently, I've been thinking about how to live more intentionally, without the worries and doubts and fears. And even more recently, I've been taking little baby steps to make it happen. I thought I'd list out some of the ideas I have had so far. Please keep in mind I am no expert. But there is a time to stop thinking and try, and I this is my time.

1. Eliminate the physical clutter in your life. This is the step I find easiest. I've never been much of a hoarder, and have always enjoyed getting rid of things I no longer need or want. Now that I am moving back into a small one-bedroom apartment, purging my belongings has become almost an obsession. And you know what? Little by little, I am starting to feel my mind clearing a bit. Breathing, if you will. Simply put, I have one less thing to worry about. It may not be as joy-filled for everyone, though. Go room by room, start making a list. I like to do it gradually so I can add to the list/pile as needed. The result will make the time so worth it.

2. Pray. Granted, this should be #1. But I thought I'd list ideas as they tend to occur in my own life. Often I find that it's only after attempting several other mind-calming activities that I remember to simply say a prayer. Find a quiet place, a few minutes, and talk to God.

3. Exercise. I feel a little dumb even posting this one. Like, hello, so obvious. But even though it's obvious to me doesn't mean I'll actually take the time to do it. The biggest key is to find something you won't hate doing for 15, 30, 60 minutes. I am no great athlete. I hate running. I have no upper body strength and almost no stamina. But I've found out I love yoga. And walking and biking. And attempting Insanity with Patrick. You will never regret the workouts you do.

4. Make up a positive mantra. Repeat it over and over. This may come from my time in yoga, but it's true. If you think positively, you will become more positive. (I am certainly proof of the reverse i.e. Think Negative, Be Negative.) Maybe it will be the same one every day. Maybe you'll make up a new one each morning. Find a word, phrase, Bible verse that speaks to you. Repeat it. Write it down. Today will be beautiful...

5. Write it down. This is why I've needed to blog. This is why the people in my life keep telling me to. Sometimes the easiest way to relieve some of the mind clutter is just to write it down. Write in a journal (which, admittedly, I am horrible at keep up). Write a blog post. Write a note to yourself then keep it or tear it up. I find that when I see my worries down on paper, they often seem smaller.

This is a daily struggle, but one that is so important. Hopefully I can keep my own advice moving forward.

-- Laura

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