
Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Thing About Spring

I've had it, I'm dressing for spring. Can't you hear the birdies chirping?
Yesterday finally felt like spring. Granted, the weather has been rather normal for February here, but I am SO ready for warmth, longer days, and everything spring represents.

Flowers bloom. Love is in the air. Trips are taken. Trails are hiked.
It will be one year with one very special guy.

So much to look forward to.

My thankful toes will once more see the sun. And my not-so-thankful fair skin will likely get burned.
Gotta love it.

For the past 3 weeks or so, the first thing I've done when I wake up is check the 10 day forecast. I have been bummed most days, seeing 40, 45, maybe 54. But, finally, the forecast for next Saturday is 63. Could it really be? This is the definition of "it's the little things." But little thing or not, the air is about to change - and most certainly my winter mood with it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What to Do, What to Do

So often I've thought about starting a blog - I follow enough. I used to have a great love for writing, having majored in English and all, but I can't remember the last time I wrote anything longer than a grocery list.

I don't live a glamorous life. I don't live in big city. I don't have a rockin', enviable wardrobe. But I miss having an outlet, whether people want to read it or not. So here I go.

What will I write about? I have no idea. This adventure is just beginning.
But I love this life God has blessed me with. So I hope you don't mind if I share a bit...

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